Offered and Accepted is not available on HEP B and HEP C Status choices in CarePath

Offered and Accepted is not available on the HEP B & C drop downs.

The official CDS-P options for HEP C are as follows:

Offered and refused
Not offered
Assessed as not appropriate to offer
Offered and accepted - Not yet had a test
Offered and accepted - Had a HEP C test
Deferred due to clinical reasons

For HEP B they are:

Offered and refused
Immunised already
Not offered
Assessed as not appropriate to offer
Offered and accepted - Not yet had any vaccinations
Offered and accepted - Started having vaccinations
Offered and accepted - completed vaccinations
Deferred due to clinical reasons

Article Details

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Date added:
06/07/2020 09:55:50
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