National Case Summary Record (NCSR) Access

The National Care Summary Record (NCSR) is a centralised digital health record that compiles essential medical information from various healthcare sources.

It is designed to provide healthcare professionals quick access to a patient's medical history, including medication, allergies, diagnoses, and treatment plans.

This will be available to Cranstoun Clinical staff from Monday 8th July.

Several steps are required before this access can be used.

1. Clients must consent to this access by ticking and signing an updated consent form.
2. Consent must be recorded in CarePath by adding _Cranstoun (NCSR Access) withing the Consent page of the Episode
3. Prior to any access to NCSR for a client, an event must be added to the Episode, NCSR Accessed, Delivery - Information Only

Note: Step 3 is vital as all access to NCSR is audited and so we must see an appropriate event recorded for each access.

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Date added:
01/07/2024 16:05:53
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