How to Install the Prescription Printer App

In order to be able to print prescriptions from CarePath the printer app needs to be installed.

The printer app needs to be installed either on the RDS server, or on a local laptop, depending on which service you work in.

If you login to CarePath with an account authorised to prescribe, then go to the PPRESCRIBING menu, then into BATCH PRINTING

Towards the bottom of the screen, above the "Preview on screen" drop down, you should see "Install the print app"

This will download a small file to your PC, which you should run (it may not automatically prompt you to do this)

This will install a printer icon on your desktop, which you then double click to get the application to run.

You enter your username and password for CarePath into the application and you should then be able to find and print prescription batches.

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19/04/2021 12:24:14
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