How to password protected a Microsoft Excel document

If you want to protect your Microsoft Excel document with a password follow these steps.

1. Check that the information in the document you are protecting should be in the document in the first place. Why are we sharing the information contained within the document, is it appropriate and necessary? If we are sending the document, who are we sending it to, and how will it get there safely?

2. Make sure you use a different password for different documents, and decide how you will keep a record of passwords used. If you lose the password for the document, there is almost no way to recover the information within it. Try not to use the same password multiple times.

3. To generate a good strong random password, you can use the following link:

4. With your Word document on the screen go to FILE / INFO / PROTECT WORKBOOK and choose the Encrypt with Password option

5. You can then copy and paste the password from step 3 above, or enter your own secure, strong password, twice, once in each box.

6. Save your document to save the encrypted file.

7. Paste the password you used into a secure location for future use if you will ever need access to this password.

8. If you are sending the document to a 3rd party, you should share the password with them separate from the document, and ideal by another method. So if you are emailing the document, can you send the password by phone or text message? If you cannot do this, send the password in a separate email.

9. To remove password protection from a document, go back to File / Info / Protect Document, and remove the password from the Encrypt with Password option and save the document again.