CDS-P safeguarding questions


I hope you are well. Below is some information for the CDS-P safeguarding questions which relate to DQ02- missing children status and DQ04- missing early help, with the aim to clarify these fields for various scenarios. Please circulate this to your team as required, if you have any questions feel free to contact myself & the London NDTMS team.

Attached is the DQ metric guidance for reference.


There are 4 different safe guarding questions:

1)      Parental responsibility (is the client a parent?)

2)      Do any of these children live with the client? (parental status)

3)      How many children under 18 in total live in the same house as the client?

4)      What help are the client's children/children living with the client receiving? 


Scenario 1 – Not a parent and no children living with

1)      Parental responsibility (is the client a parent?) = No

2)      Do any of these children live with the client? (parental status) should be left blank

3)      How many children under 18 in total live in the same house as the client? = 0

4)      What help are the client's children/children living with the client receiving?  should be left blank


Scenario 2 – Not a parent and under 18’s living with

1)      Parental responsibility (is the client a parent?) = No

2)      Do any of these children live with the client? (parental status) should be left blank

3)      How many children under 18 in total live in the same house as the client? = 1+

4)      What help are the client's children/children living with the client receiving?  should be completed as appropriate


Scenario 3 – Client is a parent

1)      Parental responsibility (is the client a parent?) = Yes

2)      Do any of these children live with the client? (parental status) should be completed as appropriate

3)      How many children under 18 in total live in the same house as the client? should be completed as appropriate

4)      What help are the client's children/children living with the client receiving?  should be completed as appropriate

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11/11/2020 01:11:20
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