When to log a Helpdesk Ticket (and why)

In order that we can respond as effectively as possible respond to requests for help on the various systems within the organisation we have created this Helpdesk System.

We have multiple people within the organisation who can assist with these problems but who aren't all available every day, or in your location, and the Helpdesk means all the information is in the same place.

The system is available to log problems with CarePath, Halo, iiZuka and In-form which are our primary Client Management Systems. It can also be used to log Reporting requests from those systems.

As well as this, you can request Data Protection Advice, log Subject Access Requests, and other types of requests/problems as other areas adopt the use of the system.

The calls will be assigned to someone, this will vary depending on the system, the nature of the problem and it's complexity.

You will get an email from the system with your reference code, which will allow you to view the updates and information, but generally any responses recorded on the ticket will also be emailed to you.

You can also look up all your tickets (both opened and closed) from the button on the Helpdesk page.

When you raise a ticket, you can choose for it to be Low, Medium or High Priority.

If a whole team or more is affected by the problem, then it should automatically be marked as High Priority, if a single person is affected it would generally be marked Medium, however if the problem causes a major impact on an important task, you may consider it should be rated as High. The decision on priority is yours.

One of the major benefits of the Helpdesk approach is that should the person you may have called, or emailed about your problem not been available, other staff have access to the Helpdesk and may be able to assist you.

Having all the calls logged centrally also allows us to identify any trends of a particular problem recurring repeatedly or where some training maybe beneficial across the service(s). It will also allow us to identify areas for improvement within the software or with our processes.


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23/07/2020 13:13:47
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